Table 25: Wyoming Private Employing Units, Employment, and Wages by NAICS Industry Group - Administrative & Waste Services - First Quarter 2015
NAICS* Industry Group Units Jan 15 Feb 15 Mar 15 15Q1 Average Monthly Employ-ment 15Q1 Total Wages 15Q1 Average Weekly Wage
Administrative & Waste Services 56  1,501  7,211  7,145  7,215    7,190 $55,643,369 $595
Administrative & Support Services 561  1,352  6,295  6,234  6,306    6,278 $44,719,214 $548
-Office administrative services 5611      113      254      246      248        249      5,384,901    1,661
-Facilities support services 5612       14      162      177      181        173      1,622,565       720
-Employment services 5613      327   1,754   1,740   1,661     1,718     13,064,325       585
-Business support services 5614      103      462      458      470        463      3,562,991       592
-Travel arrangement & reservation services 5615       49      133      135      135        134      1,348,334       772
-Investigation & security services 5616       84      683      680      607        657      4,711,744       552
-Services to buildings & dwellings 5617      579   2,489   2,430   2,594     2,504     12,340,754       379
-Other support services 5619       83      358      368      410        379      2,683,600       545
Waste Management & Remediation Services 562     149     916     911     909       912 $10,924,155 $921
-Waste collection 5621       47      311      310      308        310      3,250,243       807
-Waste treatment & disposal 5622       25      185      191      203        193      2,939,881    1,172
-Remediation & other waste services 5629       77      420      410      398        409      4,734,031       890
* North American Industry Classification System.
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
Research & Planning
Source: QCEW Report (Second Run: October 2015)
Prepared 11/10/2015  Nancy Brennan
Preliminary: Subject to Revision.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information