Table 26: Wyoming Private Employing Units, Employment, and Wages by NAICS Industry Group - Educational Services - Second Quarter 2014
NAICS* Industry Group Units Apr 14 May 14 Jun 14 14Q2 Average Monthly Employ-ment 14Q2 Total Wages 14Q2 Average Weekly Wage
Educational Services 61 224 1,694 1,668 1,633 1,665 $12,506,986 $578
Educational Services 611  224  1,694   1,668  1,633    1,665 $12,506,986 $578
-Elementary & secondary schools 6111     11      275      295      288        286      2,577,099       693
-Junior colleges 6112-ND
-Colleges & universities 6113     45      161      176      141        159      1,484,621       717
-Business, computer & management training 6114-ND
-Technical & trade schools 6115     32      306      288      281        292      3,350,290       884
-Other schools & instruction 6116     84      817      779      796        797      3,732,000       360
-Educational support services 6117 33 117 114 109 113 1,155,146 784
* North American Industry Classification System.
ND - Not Disclosable.
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
Research & Planning
Source: QCEW Report (Second Run: January 2015)
Prepared 01/29/2015 Nancy Brennan
Preliminary: Subject to Revision.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information