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Table 3: Services Annual Average Employment
by Rank and 2-Digit SIC for 1990 and 1996

1990 1996 1990 - 1996 Change
2-Digit SIC Annual Average Employment 2-Digit SIC Annual Average Employment 2-Digit SIC Numerical Percent
70 7,894 80 9,930 80 2,250 29.3
80 7,680 70 9,018 83 2,066 64.9
73 3,888 73 5,430 73 1,542 39.7
83 3,184 83 5,250 70 1,124 14.2
87 2,241 87 3,288 87 1,047 46.7
79 2,003 79 2,659 79 656 32.8
86 1,864 72 1,883 75 459 33.8
72 1,650 75 1,817 72 233 14.1
75 1,358 86 1,816 88 212 59.7
76 1,151 81 1,215 81 173 16.6
81 1,042 76 884 82 139 23.7
78 654 78 793 78 139 21.3
82 587 82 726 84 110 67.1
88 355 88 567 89 55 117.0
84 164 84 274 86 -48 -2.6
89 47 89 102 76 -267 -23.2
TOTAL 35,762 TOTAL 45,652 TOTAL 9,890 27.7%

~SIC 70 and 80 traded top placement during this period.
~Most groups have remained in or close to the same ranking.

~Highest employment gains were in SIC's 80, 83, 73, 70, and 87, respectively.
~SIC's 89, 84, 83, and 88 had the highest percentage employment increases, respectively.
~SIC's 76 and 86 were the only two groups with decreasing employment.

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These pages designed by Gayle C. Edlin.
Last modified on December 9, 1997 by Gayle C. Edlin.