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Table 1: Comparison of UI Covered Employment and BEA Employment Estimates for Agriculture

UI Covered Employment BEA Covered Employment BEA Noncovered Employment BEA Total Employment
Year SIC 01 SIC 02 SIC 07 Total SIC 01 & 02 SIC 07 Total SIC 01 & 02 SIC 07 Total SIC 01 & 02 SIC 07 Total Percent Noncovered
1990 249 1,153 680 2,082 3,696 1,704 5,400 8,779 1,341 10,120 12,475 3,045 15,520 65.2%
1991 260 1,189 736 2,184 3,393 1,733 5,126 8,864 1,482 10,346 12,257 3,215 15,472 66.9%
1992 278 1,303 787 2,367 3,218 1,695 4,913 9,120 1,531 10,651 12,338 3,226 15,564 68.4%
1993 338 1,406 856 2,600 3,343 1,836 5,179 9,056 1,951 11,007 12,399 3,787 16,186 68.0%
1994 359 1,389 946 2,694 3,217 1,986 5,203 8,955 2,072 11,027 12,172 4,058 16,230 67.9%
1995 376 1,436 1,015 2,827 3,638 2,142 5,780 8,956 2,189 11,145 12,594 4,331 16,925 65.8%
1996 396 1,429 1,101 2,927

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These pages designed by Gayle C. Edlin.
Last modified on October 13, 1997 by Gayle C. Edlin.