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Š Copyright 1997 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning

Wyoming Unemployment Insurance Statistics:
Normalized Continued Claims--Statewide, by Industry

For the sixth time in a row (in year-to-year comparisons), total unique claimants continued in a downward trend, falling 22.6 percent from June 1996 to June 1997. Total weeks claimed also decreased during this time period, down 25.0 percent.

Please note: Due to computational error, the claims data originally published for June 1997 were in error. The correct data are shown here. If you need any further information, please contact Research & Planning.

JUN 97 MAY 97 JUN 96 MAY-JUN 97 JUN 96-97
TOTAL WEEKS CLAIMED 10,549 13,007 14,062 -18.9 -25.0
TOTAL UNIQUE CLAIMANTS 3,426 4,197 4,425 -18.4 -22.6
TOTAL GOODS PRODUCING 3,743 5,192 5,044 -27.9 -25.8
--Manufacturing 947 1,237 1,037 -23.4 -8.7
--Mining 660 958 1,185 -31.1 -44.3
----Oil & Gas Extraction 555 805 1,074 -31.1 -48.3
--Construction 2,136 2,997 2,822 -28.7 -24.3
JUN 97 MAY 97 JUN 96 MAY-JUN 97 JUN 96-97
TOTAL SERVICE PRODUCING 6,627 7,642 7,992 -13.3 -17.1
--Transportation & Public Utilities 629 791 675 -20.5 -6.8
---Transportation 442 595 489 -25.7 -9.6
----Communications & Public Utilities 187 196 186 -4.6 0.5
--Trade 2,415 2,823 2,789 -14.5 -13.4
----Wholesale Trade 356 385 536 -7.5 -33.6
----Retail Trade 2,059 2,438 2,253 -15.5 -8.6
--Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 268 310 272 -13.5 -1.5
--Services 2,554 2,878 3,243 -11.3 -21.2
----Personal & Business Services 618 757 824 -18.4 -25.0
----Health Services 327 358 366 -8.7 -10.7
--Government 761 840 1,013 -9.4 -24.9
----Local Government 546 574 650 -4.9 -16.0
------Local Education 219 150 307 46.0 -28.7
UNCLASSIFIED 179 173 1,026 3.5 -82.6

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These pages designed by Gayle C. Edlin.
Last modified on August 26, 1997 by Gayle C. Edlin.