Table 11:  Wyoming Private Employing Units, Employment, and Wages by NAICS Industry Group - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, & Hunting - Fourth Quarter 2005
NAICS* Industry Group Units Oct 05 Nov 05 Dec 05 05Q4 Average Monthly Employ-ment 05Q4 Total Wages 05Q4 Average Weekly Wage
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, & Hunting 11 398 2,420 2,280 2,201 2,300 $17,436,057 $583
Crop Production 111 79 494 425 376 432 $2,705,927 $482
-Oilseed & grain farming 1111 16 75 60 50 62 367,098 458
-Vegetable & melon farming 1112-ND
-Fruit & tree nut farming 1113-ND
-Greenhouse & nursery production 1114 18 114 110 101 108 528,337 375
-Other crop farming 1119 44 278 228 207 238 1,775,444 575
Animal Production 112 243 1,639 1,589 1,575 1,601 $12,627,307 $607
-Cattle ranching & farming 1121 202 1,337 1,289 1,277 1,301 10,309,103 610
-Hog & pig farming 1122-ND
-Sheep & goat farming 1124 17 67 71 74 71 613,327 668
-Animal aquaculture 1125-ND
-Other animal production 1129 21 122 116 115 118 985,736 644
Forestry & Logging 113 32 81 80 76 79 $686,760 $669
-Timber tract operations 1131-ND
-Forest nurseries & gathering forest products 1132-ND
-Logging 1133 31 79 78 74 77 609,502 609
-Hunting & trapping 1142-ND
Agriculture & forestry support activities 115 43 201 181 169 184 $1,371,761 $575
-Support activities for crop production 1151 21 107 99 89 98 759,901 594
-Support activities for animal production 1152-ND
-Support activities for forestry 1153-ND
*  North American Industry Classification System.
ND - Not Disclosable.
Wyoming Department of Employment
Research & Planning
Source:  QCEW Report (Second Run:  July 2006)
Prepared 10/02/2006  Nancy Brennan
Preliminary:  Subject to Revision
Table of Contents Labor Market Information