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Wyoming Unemployment Insurance Statistics:
Normalized Continued Claims

Wyoming Statewide | Laramie County | Natrona County

Statewide, both total weeks claimed and total unique claimants decreased in over-the-year comparisons (down 10.4% and 10.6%, respectively). Similar decreases have occurred in both counties.

WEEKS CLAIMED Percent Change in Weeks Claimed
MAR 98 FEB 98 MAR 97 FEB-MAR 98 MAR 97 - 98
TOTAL WEEKS CLAIMED 20,493 20,508 22,868 -0.1 -10.4
TOTAL UNIQUE CLAIMANTS 6,142 6,102 6,867 0.7 -10.6
TOTAL GOODS PRODUCING 11,050 10,748 11,733 2.8 -5.8
--Manufacturing 1,850 1,407 2,028 31.5 -8.8
--Mining 1,809 1,438 1,597 25.8 13.3
----Oil & Gas Extraction 1,671 1,282 1,273 30.3 31.3
--Construction 7,391 7,903 8,108 -6.5 -8.8
TOTAL SERVICE PRODUCING 9,066 9,313 10,471 -2.7 -13.4
--Transportation & Public Utilities 952 881 1,184 8.1 -19.6
---Transportation 786 701 975 12.1 -19.4
----Communications & Public Utilities 166 180 209 -7.8 -20.6
--Trade 2,731 2,863 3,490 -4.6 -21.7
----Wholesale Trade 369 355 469 3.9 -21.3
----Retail Trade 2,362 2,508 3,021 -5.8 -21.8
--Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 217 228 338 -4.8 -35.8
--Services 4,116 4,243 4,200 -3.0 -2.0
----Personal & Business Services 1,038 1,141 1,150 -9.0 -9.7
----Health Services 450 360 346 25.0 30.1
--Government 1,050 1,098 1,259 -4.4 -16.6
----Local Government 566 598 803 -5.4 -29.5
------Local Education 170 172 227 -1.2 -25.1
UNCLASSIFIED 377 447 664 -15.7 -43.2

WEEKS CLAIMED Percent Change in Weeks Claimed
MAR 98 FEB 98 MAR 97 FEB-MAR 98 MAR 97 - 98
TOTAL WEEKS CLAIMED 2,287 2,399 2,566 -4.7 -10.9
TOTAL UNIQUE CLAIMANTS 685 723 797 -5.3 -14.1
TOTAL GOODS PRODUCING 1,316 1,372 1,333 -4.1 -1.3
--Manufacturing 77 88 169 -12.5 -54.4
--Mining 27 71 19 -62.0 42.1
----Oil & Gas Extraction 27 71 19 -62.0 42.1
--Construction 1,212 1,213 1,145 -0.1 5.9
TOTAL SERVICE PRODUCING 952 999 1,171 -4.7 -18.7
--Transportation & Public Utilities 90 116 148 -22.4 -39.2
----Transportation 75 93 133 -19.4 -43.6
----Communications & Public Utilities 15 23 15 -34.8 0.0
--Trade 358 364 438 -1.6 -18.3
----Wholesale Trade 37 41 43 -9.8 -14.0
----Retail Trade 322 323 395 -0.3 -18.5
--Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 26 23 101 13.0 -74.3
--Services 389 414 369 -6.0 5.4
----Personal & Business Services 176 196 126 -10.2 39.7
----Health Services 24 18 41 33.3 -41.5
--Government 89 82 115 8.5 -22.6
----Local Government 28 32 49 -12.5 -42.9
------Local Education 22 19 15 15.8 46.7
UNCLASSIFIED 19 28 62 -32.1 -69.4

WEEKS CLAIMED Percent Change in Weeks Claimed
MAR 98 FEB 98 MAR 97 FEB-MAR 98 MAR 97 - 98
TOTAL WEEKS CLAIMED 2,437 2,489 2,924 -2.1 -16.7
TOTAL UNIQUE CLAIMANTS 746 760 892 -1.8 -16.4
TOTAL GOODS PRODUCING 1,295 1,279 1,425 1.3 -9.1
--Manufacturing 168 165 167 1.8 0.6
--Mining 279 217 247 28.6 13.0
----Oil & Gas Extraction 235 172 195 36.6 20.5
--Construction 848 897 1,011 -5.5 -16.1
TOTAL SERVICE PRODUCING 1,107 1,173 1,434 -5.6 -22.8
--Transportation & Public Utilities 77 97 121 -20.6 -36.4
----Transportation 58 67 83 -13.4 -30.1
----Communications & Public Utilities 18 30 38 -40.0 -52.6
--Trade 318 329 534 -3.3 -40.4
----Wholesale Trade 65 57 110 14.0 -40.9
----Retail Trade 253 272 423 -7.0 -40.2
--Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 31 36 52 -13.9 -40.4
--Services 631 642 632 -1.7 -0.2
----Personal & Business Services 202 222 199 -9.0 1.5
----Health Services 150 127 117 18.1 28.2
--Government 50 69 95 -27.5 -47.4
----Local Government 32 40 66 -20.0 -51.5
------Local Education 2 8 16 -75.0 -87.5
UNCLASSIFIED 35 37 65 -5.4 -46.2

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These pages designed by Gayle C. Edlin.
Last modified on December 1, 2000 by Valerie A. Davis.