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© Copyright 1998 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning

Table 3: Retail Trade Workers that Remained in the Industry from 1993 to 1996 by Gender and Age

Age Male % Males Female % Females Unknown Total % Total
0-15 180 2.1% 216 1.8% 396 1.7%
16-19 1,368 16.3% 1,962 16.5% 3,330 14.1%
20-24 1,269 15.1% 1,515 12.7% 2,784 11.8%
25-34 2,068 24.6% 2,668 22.4% 4,736 20.1%
35-44 1,710 20.3% 2,723 22.9% 4,433 18.8%
45-54 1,054 12.5% 1,701 14.3% 2,755 11.7%
55-64 522 6.2% 837 7.0% 1,359 5.8%
65+ 238 2.8% 269 2.3% 507 2.1%
Missing* 3,311 3,311 14.0%
Total 8,409 100.0% 11,891 100.0% 3,311 23,611 100.0%

*Missing files are those wage records that could not be matched by social security numbers to the Wyoming driver's license files, therefore gender and age could not be determined.

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These pages designed by Gayle C. Edlin.
Last modified on December 1, 2000 by Valerie A. Davis.