© Copyright 2002 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning

Table 1:  Partial List of Changes to the Recordkeeping Requirements for the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, effective January 1, 2002
Any aggravation of a pre-existing condition by a workplace event or exposure makes a case work-related. Significant aggravation of a pre-existing condition by a workplace event or exposure makes a case work-related.
All work-related illnesses are recordable. Work-related illnesses are recordable if they meet the general recording criteria.
Day counts: count lost workdays, no cap on number of days. Day counts: count calendar days, 180 day cap on number of days.
First Aid list in Bluebook was a list of examples and not comprehensive. First Aid list in regulation is comprehensive. Any other procedure is medical treatment.
No requirement to inform employees how to report an injury or illness. You must inform each employee how he or she is to report an injury or illness.
Must enter the employee’s name on all cases. Must enter a code rather than the employee’s name for ‘Privacy Concern Cases’ and keep a separate list of the codes and corresponding names.
Anyone can certify annual summary. Company executive must certify annual summary.


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