Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1999 Total, All Industries
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 14,523 11.1 2,946
20 - 24 16,773 12.8 6,878
25 - 34 25,825 19.7 12,633
35 - 44 33,774 25.8 16,821
45 - 54 26,213 20.0 19,891
55 - 64 10,688 8.2 17,092
> 65 3,042 2.3 8,241
Unknown 61 0.0 57,336
Total 130,899 100.0 42.8 13,638
Males < 20 13,400 9.5 3,543
20 - 24 16,955 12.1 10,457
25 - 34 30,495 21.7 20,569
35 - 44 34,824 24.8 31,811
45 - 54 28,276 20.1 38,916
55 - 64 12,724 9.1 34,247
> 65 3,814 2.7 18,425
Unknown 91 0.1 31,786
Total 140,579 100.0 45.9 25,389
NA Unknown 34,512 100.0 11.3 4,067
Total < 20 27,923 9.1 3,233
20 - 24 33,728 11.0 8,677
25 - 34 56,320 18.4 16,930
35 - 44 68,598 22.4 24,431
45 - 54 54,489 17.8 29,764
55 - 64 23,412 7.7 26,416
> 65 6,856 2.2 13,907
Unknown 34,664 11.3 4,233
Total 305,990 100.0 100.0 17,957
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information