Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1994 Total, All Industries
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 14,178 11.5 2,314
20 - 24 15,402 12.5 5,663
25 - 34 28,236 22.8 10,694
35 - 44 33,950 27.5 14,852
45 - 54 19,794 16.0 16,157
55 - 64 8,838 7.2 13,439
> 65 3,039 2.5 6,190
Unknown 166 0.1 24,334
Total 123,603 100.0 44.0 11,227
Males < 20 12,931 9.5 2,773
20 - 24 16,873 12.4 8,292
25 - 34 33,421 24.6 17,955
35 - 44 36,750 27.0 29,047
45 - 54 22,242 16.4 33,818
55 - 64 10,335 7.6 28,744
> 65 3,210 2.4 14,721
Unknown 209 0.2 8,926
Total 135,971 100.0 48.5 21,634
NA Unknown 21,053 100.0 7.5 2,943
Total < 20 27,109 9.7 2,533
20 - 24 32,275 11.5 7,038
25 - 34 61,657 22.0 14,629
35 - 44 70,700 25.2 22,231
45 - 54 42,036 15.0 25,501
55 - 64 19,173 6.8 21,689
> 65 6,249 2.2 10,572
Unknown 21,428 7.6 3,167
Total 280,627 100.0 100.0 15,648
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information