Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2007 Total, All Industries
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Women Under 20 11,786 8.8 4,478
20-24 15,339 11.5 11,859
25-34 26,450 19.8 21,067
35-44 25,034 18.7 27,138
45-54 31,146 23.3 30,707
55-64 18,717 14.0 29,154
65+ 5,059 3.8 14,673
Unknown 23 0.0 28,836
Total 133,554 100.0 35.9 22,824
Men Under 20 12,568 8.2 5,846
20-24 17,608 11.4 21,173
25-34 33,100 21.5 37,604
35-44 29,294 19.0 47,252
45-54 33,584 21.8 55,187
55-64 21,303 13.8 53,130
65+ 6,497 4.2 28,683
Unknown 39 0.0 30,643
Total 153,993 100.0 41.4 40,573
NA Total 84,375 100.0 22.7 14,161
Total Under 20 24,354 6.5 5,184
20-24 32,947 8.9 16,837
25-34 59,550 16.0 30,259
35-44 54,328 14.6 37,984
45-54 64,730 17.4 43,408
55-64 40,020 10.8 41,917
65+ 11,556 3.1 22,549
Unknown 84,437 22.7 14,172
Total 371,922 100.0 100.0 28,207
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represents segment of the population without known demographics.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information