Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1997 Professional & Business Services (54-56)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 633 7.5 2,523
20 - 24 1,154 13.6 7,045
25 - 34 2,223 26.2 11,645
35 - 44 2,355 27.8 14,388
45 - 54 1,386 16.3 14,335
55 - 64 542 6.4 10,712
> 65 175 2.1 5,912
Unknown 11 0.1 47,236
Total 8,479 100.0 47.1 11,408
Males < 20 741 9.1 2,815
20 - 24 1,206 14.9 7,638
25 - 34 2,022 24.9 17,347
35 - 44 1,931 23.8 27,466
45 - 54 1,321 16.3 35,916
55 - 64 629 7.7 32,091
> 65 259 3.2 32,756
Unknown 11 0.1 24,758
Total 8,120 100.0 45.1 21,650
NA Unknown 1,421 100.0 7.9 3,614
Total < 20 1,374 7.6 2,681
20 - 24 2,360 13.1 7,348
25 - 34 4,245 23.6 14,361
35 - 44 4,286 23.8 20,280
45 - 54 2,707 15.0 24,866
55 - 64 1,171 6.5 22,196
> 65 434 2.4 21,932
Unknown 1,443 8.0 4,107
Total 18,020 100.0 100.0 15,408
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information