Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2000 Nonclassified (99)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 7 3.0 10,433
20 - 24 29 12.4 13,274
25 - 34 76 32.5 13,394
35 - 44 60 25.6 12,732
45 - 54 35 15.0 10,063
55 - 64 21 9.0 12,981
> 65 6 2.6 10,285
Total 234 100.0 25.4 12,506
Males < 20 7 1.6 8,144
20 - 24 82 18.9 16,862
25 - 34 134 30.9 19,544
35 - 44 79 18.2 21,844
45 - 54 68 15.7 19,312
55 - 64 47 10.8 13,097
> 65 16 3.7 13,895
Unknown 1 0.2 22,472
Total 434 100.0 47.1 18,336
NA Unknown 253 100.0 27.5 14,480
Total < 20 14 1.5 9,289
20 - 24 111 12.1 15,924
25 - 34 210 22.8 17,318
35 - 44 139 15.1 17,911
45 - 54 103 11.2 16,169
55 - 64 68 7.4 13,062
> 65 22 2.4 12,910
Unknown 254 27.6 14,511
Total 921 100.0 100.0 15,795
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information