Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1999 Manufacturing (31-33)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 349 9.9 3,251
20 - 24 436 12.4 7,641
25 - 34 673 19.1 14,539
35 - 44 969 27.5 18,168
45 - 54 693 19.7 20,165
55 - 64 305 8.7 17,965
> 65 89 2.5 9,290
Unknown 9 0.3 105,453
Total 3,523 100.0 24.3 15,068
Males < 20 575 5.7 4,507
20 - 24 1,088 10.8 12,034
25 - 34 2,170 21.5 24,909
35 - 44 2,771 27.4 35,806
45 - 54 2,328 23.0 44,448
55 - 64 964 9.5 39,442
> 65 209 2.1 25,568
Unknown 3 0.0 26,653
Total 10,108 100.0 69.8 31,250
NA Unknown 860 100.0 5.9 4,936
Total < 20 924 6.4 4,033
20 - 24 1,524 10.5 10,777
25 - 34 2,843 19.6 22,454
35 - 44 3,740 25.8 31,236
45 - 54 3,021 20.8 38,877
55 - 64 1,269 8.8 34,280
> 65 298 2.1 20,707
Unknown 872 6.0 6,048
Total 14,491 100.0 100.0 25,754
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information