Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1998 Manufacturing (31-33)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 345 10.2 3,295
20 - 24 425 12.5 7,451
25 - 34 659 19.4 14,772
35 - 44 954 28.1 17,563
45 - 54 625 18.4 20,025
55 - 64 300 8.8 16,677
> 65 77 2.3 9,198
Unknown 8 0.2 123,568
Total 3,393 100.0 24.2 14,739
Males < 20 619 6.2 4,447
20 - 24 1,093 11.0 11,868
25 - 34 2,197 22.2 23,443
35 - 44 2,775 28.0 35,595
45 - 54 2,127 21.5 43,413
55 - 64 916 9.2 42,296
> 65 178 1.8 20,986
Unknown 10 0.1 20,937
Total 9,915 100.0 70.8 30,361
NA Unknown 701 100.0 5.0 4,314
Total < 20 964 6.9 4,034
20 - 24 1,518 10.8 10,632
25 - 34 2,856 20.4 21,442
35 - 44 3,729 26.6 30,982
45 - 54 2,752 19.6 38,102
55 - 64 1,216 8.7 35,976
> 65 255 1.8 17,426
Unknown 719 5.1 5,872
Total 14,009 100.0 100.0 25,274
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information