Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1997 Manufacturing (31-33)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 320 9.4 3,333
20 - 24 454 13.4 7,123
25 - 34 712 21.0 13,972
35 - 44 932 27.4 16,644
45 - 54 616 18.1 18,542
55 - 64 272 8.0 15,639
> 65 81 2.4 10,127
Unknown 9 0.3 118,687
Total 3,396 100.0 24.5 13,936
Males < 20 542 5.5 4,113
20 - 24 1,142 11.6 10,905
25 - 34 2,253 22.8 23,166
35 - 44 2,836 28.7 34,032
45 - 54 2,066 20.9 41,893
55 - 64 836 8.5 37,903
> 65 181 1.8 16,654
Unknown 9 0.1 23,351
Total 9,865 100.0 71.1 28,875
NA Unknown 609 100.0 4.4 4,677
Total < 20 862 6.2 3,824
20 - 24 1,596 11.5 9,829
25 - 34 2,965 21.4 20,958
35 - 44 3,768 27.2 29,731
45 - 54 2,682 19.3 36,529
55 - 64 1,108 8.0 32,438
> 65 262 1.9 14,636
Unknown 627 4.5 6,581
Total 13,870 100.0 100.0 24,155
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information