Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1998 Leisure & Hospitality (71-72)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 6,717 27.4 2,437
20 - 24 4,782 19.5 4,719
25 - 34 4,994 20.4 6,852
35 - 44 4,381 17.9 8,584
45 - 54 2,125 8.7 9,126
55 - 64 1,085 4.4 8,450
> 65 422 1.7 5,715
Unknown 17 0.1 1,371
Total 24,523 100.0 51.6 5,781
Males < 20 4,240 28.8 2,550
20 - 24 2,809 19.1 5,716
25 - 34 3,552 24.2 10,048
35 - 44 1,935 13.2 14,367
45 - 54 1,195 8.1 15,884
55 - 64 592 4.0 14,934
> 65 365 2.5 6,866
Unknown 17 0.1 16,029
Total 14,705 100.0 30.9 8,226
NA Unknown 8,330 100.0 17.5 1,860
Total < 20 10,957 23.0 2,480
20 - 24 7,591 16.0 5,088
25 - 34 8,546 18.0 8,180
35 - 44 6,316 13.3 10,356
45 - 54 3,320 7.0 11,558
55 - 64 1,677 3.5 10,739
> 65 787 1.7 6,249
Unknown 8,364 17.6 1,888
Total 47,558 100.0 100.0 5,850
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information