Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
1996 Leisure & Hospitality (71-72)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 6,981 27.8 2,181
20 - 24 4,985 19.8 4,132
25 - 34 5,525 22.0 6,024
35 - 44 4,150 16.5 7,567
45 - 54 2,086 8.3 8,076
55 - 64 1,010 4.0 8,490
> 65 366 1.5 4,971
Unknown 26 0.1 39,197
Total 25,129 100.0 51.8 5,124
Males < 20 4,475 28.9 2,242
20 - 24 3,157 20.4 4,942
25 - 34 3,794 24.5 8,694
35 - 44 2,088 13.5 12,204
45 - 54 1,099 7.1 13,887
55 - 64 541 3.5 13,143
> 65 320 2.1 6,656
Unknown 37 0.2 2,603
Total 15,511 100.0 32.0 7,008
NA Unknown 7,891 100.0 16.3 1,721
Total < 20 11,456 23.6 2,205
20 - 24 8,142 16.8 4,446
25 - 34 9,319 19.2 7,111
35 - 44 6,238 12.9 9,119
45 - 54 3,185 6.6 10,081
55 - 64 1,551 3.2 10,113
> 65 686 1.4 5,757
Unknown 7,954 16.4 1,848
Total 48,531 100.0 100.0 5,173
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information