Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2001 Leisure & Hospitality (71-72)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Females < 20 5,521 25.1 2,903
20 - 24 4,379 19.9 5,929
25 - 34 4,159 18.9 8,080
35 - 44 4,044 18.4 9,986
45 - 54 2,285 10.4 10,699
55 - 64 1,084 4.9 9,457
> 65 490 2.2 7,132
Unknown 1 0.0 2,611
Total 21,963 100.0 44.4 7,020
Males < 20 4,207 30.1 2,991
20 - 24 2,525 18.1 6,979
25 - 34 3,094 22.2 12,342
35 - 44 1,818 13.0 16,461
45 - 54 1,288 9.2 18,098
55 - 64 630 4.5 17,785
> 65 393 2.8 9,525
Unknown 2 0.0 117,539
Total 13,957 100.0 28.2 9,802
NA Unknown 13,535 100.0 27.4 2,747
Total < 20 9,728 19.7   2,941
20 - 24 6,904 14.0 6,313
25 - 34 7,253 14.7 9,898
35 - 44 5,862 11.9 11,994
45 - 54 3,573 7.2 13,366
55 - 64 1,714 3.5 12,518
> 65 883 1.8 8,197
Unknown 13,538 27.4 2,764
Total 49,455 100.0 100.0 6,636
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information