Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2006 Information (51)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Women Under 20 276 10.7 3,985
20-24 215 8.3 12,640
25-34 577 22.3 20,573
35-44 476 18.4 25,333
45-54 599 23.1 27,881
55-64 357 13.8 26,101
65+ 90 3.5 11,509
Unknown 0.0  
Total 2,590 100.0 46.2 21,159
Men Under 20 253 10.3 3,877
20-24 240 9.8 15,538
25-34 546 22.3 31,573
35-44 497 20.3 47,329
45-54 518 21.1 51,804
55-64 328 13.4 48,979
65+ 68 2.8 23,897
Unknown 1 0.0 48,000
Total 2,451 100.0 43.7 36,738
NA Total 571 100.0 10.2 14,622
Total Under 20 529 9.4 3,933
20-24 455 8.1 14,169
25-34 1,123 20.0 25,921
35-44 973 17.3 36,569
45-54 1,117 19.9 38,975
55-64 685 12.2 37,056
65+ 158 2.8 16,840
Unknown 572 10.2 14,680
Total 5,612 100.0 100.0 27,298
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represents segment of the population without known demographics.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Revised: July 2008.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information