Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2002 Information (51)
Gender Age Group Number Gender % Age % Average Wage %
Females < 20 285 10.1 2,780
20 - 24 292 10.3 10,623
25 - 34 565 19.9 20,182
35 - 44 640 22.6 22,477
45 - 54 695 24.5 24,875
55 - 64 284 10.0 21,122
> 65 72 2.5 14,173
Total 2,833 100.0 46.7 19,057
Males < 20 245 9.7 3,246
20 - 24 294 11.6 12,917
25 - 34 595 23.5 27,392
35 - 44 488 19.3 38,706
45 - 54 577 22.8 45,240
55 - 64 263 10.4 40,365
> 65 64 2.5 20,661
Unknown 1 0.0 129,405
Total 2,527 100.0 41.6 30,847
NA Unknown 712 100.0 11.7 7,873
Total < 20 530 74.3 2,995
20 - 24 586 82.2 11,774
25 - 34 1,160 162.7 23,880
35 - 44 1,128 158.2 29,498
45 - 54 1,272 178.4 34,113
55 - 64 547 76.7 30,374
> 65 136 19.1 17,226
Unknown 713 11.7 8,043
Total 6,072 100.0 100.0 22,652
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represent segment of the population without a Wyoming Driver's License.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information