Mean Earnings by Age, Gender, and Industry
2006 Financial Activities (52-53)
Gender Age Group Number Age % Gender % Average Wage $
Women Under 20 306 4.0 5,188
20-24 831 10.9 14,100
25-34 1,646 21.5 23,098
35-44 1,539 20.1 29,819
45-54 2,016 26.3 31,908
55-64 1,027 13.4 28,118
65+ 289 3.8 14,970
Unknown 2 0.0 15,114
Total 7,656 100.0 59.2 25,441
Men Under 20 208 5.0 7,559
20-24 380 9.2 19,989
25-34 899 21.8 43,863
35-44 799 19.4 57,368
45-54 897 21.7 67,429
55-64 673 16.3 63,702
65+ 272 6.6 51,710
Unknown 0.0  
Total 4,128 100.0 31.9 51,322
NA Total 1,155 100.0 8.9 16,342
Total Under 20 514 4.0 6,148
20-24 1,211 9.4 15,948
25-34 2,545 19.7 30,433
35-44 2,338 18.1 39,234
45-54 2,913 22.5 42,846
55-64 1,700 13.1 42,205
65+ 561 4.3 32,783
Unknown 1,157 8.9 16,340
Total 12,939 100.0 100.0 32,886
Note: Persons working at any time during the year.
NA represents segment of the population without known demographics.
Unknown age are those with a birthdate less than 12 years prior to the year of work.
Revised: July 2008.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information