Is the Job Right For You?
Here's How to find Out

Career Planning Websites

Volunteering & Internships

By volunteering or getting involved in an internship program, you can gain useful experience in an interesting field. The experience looks great on college applications and resumes. Interning will give you a chance to actually work in a job and decide if you would like to pursue it as a career. By volunteering, you can not only help yourself, but you can help others or the environment. Ask your school career counselor about volunteer and internship opportunities in your area or consult your local yellow pages for volunteer or social services organizations. If you are interested in working in another town, another state or even another country, your school career counselor and the Internet are great sources for information.

Job Shadowing

Job shadowing gives you the opportunity to see first hand what a job is really like. It involves spending time watching a person go through the daily activities of his/her job. Job shadowing can help you decide if that career could be the right one for you. You can learn what skills and training are required to do the job. You can also make valuable contacts for future employment. Check with your school career counselor for job shadowing opportunities in your area.

Tony White -
Student at Natrona County High School:
“You will learn more in one day of shadowing than you would in one week of research on your own.”
(Wyoming Job Shadowing Experience – 1998)

Information Interview

An information interview is similar to a job interview except that you get to ask all the questions! By setting up an information interview with a company in the career field you are interested in, you can learn about the type of work a person in that field would be doing, what experience/education is required and what you could do to improve your chances of landing a job. Plus, making contact with employers before you are actually looking for a job is a great way to prepare for when you are.

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