Money Matters

We all know that money is necessary, yet you probably aren’t aware of the many expenses adults have to pay for on a monthly basis. Below are the budgets for Tom and Cindy. They have different professions, incomes and expenses. On the right side are blank spaces for you to write down your future budget. We have only listed major expenses and have omitted such items as Internet service, haircuts, cosmetics and medical and auto insurance. On a separate sheet of paper write down all the expenses you can think of that you will have in your future. Tom Cindy You
-------------------------------- Budgets Tom Cindy You
Profession Video Store Clerk Computer Programmer
Monthly Salary $1,120 $5,000 $________
_______-Taxes1 -257 - 1,500 $________
Take Home Pay $863 $3,500 $________
Housing2 $450 $1,000 $________
Electricity $75 $125 $________
Cable T.V. none $40 $________
Phone none $45 $________
Groceries $210 $280 $________
Clothes none $200 $________
Transportation3 $100 $410 $________
Entertainment $28 $200 $________
Student Loan none $200 $________
Remainder $0 $1,000 $______

1. Tom pays about 23% in taxes; Cindy about 30%.
2. Tom rents a 1 bedroom apartment; Cindy is buying a 3 bedroom/2 bath home.
3. Tom uses public transportation; Cindy drives a new car.

Source: Adapted from Texas State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, Career Success, 1998, p.5.

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