Your Resume
Whether you are writing your first resume or updating an old one, you've probably wondered just how much difference it really makes in getting you the job. Well, a resume can say a lot about you, and not all of it is in words. Think of your resume as a word picture of yourself. Just as you wouldn't show up for an interview in the same clothes you wore to clean the barn or to attend aerobics class, you should not submit a resume that is badly organized or sloppy-looking. Since your resume is most likely the first thing a potential employer will see from you, it needs to be a professional reflection of you and of your talents.

For more examples of resumes, check with your guidance counselor or the Internet.

First Resume:

Example of First Resume

Resume Checklist
Is your resume:
  • Typed and neatly spaced?
  • Clean?
  • On high quality paper?
  • Free of abbreviations?
  • Free of spelling errors?
  • Factually correct?

Use action verbs to emphasize your accomplishments!

Cover Letter: