Finding a Job By Networking

Networking may sound like something only people in high level jobs in a gigantic company do, but the truth is...anyone can network, even you! In fact, networking might be one of the best ways of finding a job. Most companies only advertise as a last resort to finding a new employee. Usually, a company will start by asking its current employees if they know of anyone interested in coming to work for their company. If you have been networking, your name may come up as someone who might be interested.

The best part of networking is how easy it is. You begin by making a list of every person you, your parents and your friends know. Then you contact these people and tell them you are looking for a job. Tell them what you are looking for and ask if they know of any openings in your area of interest. If not, ask them to keep you in mind in case something comes up.

Be sure to keep good records of who you talked to and how they helped. Check back with your contacts periodically and let them know when you find a job. Always send a thank you note to anyone willing to give you a hand. And remember that every person you meet could be a potential contact!

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