How Do Your Skills Measure Up?
Check those skills you have.


I. FOUNDATION SKILLS: Competent workers in the high-performance workplace need the following skills:

A. Basic Skills - reading, writing, arithmetic and mathematics, algebra I, algebra II, science, geometry, trigonometry, physics, speaking and listening.

I am able to:
___ Read, write, and compute mathematical problems
___ Apply basic skills to unfamiliar situations
___ Read or listen to directions and carry them out

B. Thinking skills - the ability to learn, to reason, to think creatively, to make decisions and to solve problems.

I am able to:
___ Think, work and act independently without continuous supervision
___ Think creatively
___ Identify and isolate problems
___ Solve task-related problems
___ Continually upgrade my skills

C. Personal Qualities - individual responsibility, self-esteem and self-management, sociability and integrity.

I am able to:
___ Present a positive attitude toward work
___ Maintain a professional appearance
___ Accept new responsibilities
___ Be reliable and prompt
___ Show pride in my accomplishments
___ Practice effective people skills
___ Respect others
___ Be a self-starter


A. Resources - Workers of the future know how to allocate time, money, materials, space and staff.

I am able to:
___ Understand how a business operates
___ Understand why business operates for a profit
___ Practice effective time management skills
___ Work quickly and accurately
___ Organize project materials
___ Quickly become self-reliant

B. Interpersonal skills - Effective workers can productively use interpersonal skills. They can work on teams, teach others, serve customers, lead, negotiate and work well with people from culturally diverse backgrounds.

I am able to:
___ Serve positively on problem-solving teams
___ Interact productively with others
___ Teach others
___ Assume initiative
___ Negotiate and resolve problems
___ Accommodate the needs of others
___ Work productively with people from culturally diverse backgrounds

C. Information - They can acquire and evaluate data, organize and maintain files, interpret and communicate and use computers to process information.

I am able to:
___ Acquire and evaluate data
___ Keyboard or enter data on a computer
___ Apply basic software to the job
___ Interpret, communicate and use computers to process information
___ Organize and maintain files

D. Systems - Effective workers can productively use systems. They understand social, organizational, and technological systems; they can monitor and correct performance; and they design or improve systems.

I am able to:
___ Comprehend basic concepts of social, organizational and technological systems
___ Monitor and correct performance
___ Display curiosity about how things work
___ Design and improve systems in performing project tasks

E. Technology - Effective workers can productively use technology. They can select equipment and tools, apply technology to specific tasks and maintain and troubleshoot equipment.

I am able to:
___ Select appropriate equipment to do the job
___ Apply technology to specific tasks
___ Maintain and troubleshoot equipment
___ Adapt knowledge and skills to new technology

Source: Adapted from the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) final 1992 report “Learning a Living.”

Emphasize the skills you checked on resumes and during job interviews! Work on acquiring those skills you did not check.

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