A Career in the Military

One stepping stone on the path to your future could be a career in the Armed Forces. You’ll receive a steady paycheck, job training, benefits such as room, board and medical coverage. If you plan on going to college after your tour is over, you can use the Montgomery GI Bill to collect money for tuition. For those of you interested in the military, but not willing to be involved on a full-time basis, you can join the Reserves or the National Guard. Joining the Reserves or National Guard will allow you to work a full-time job or go to school while still gaining valuable experience in the military. Remember that to join, you must have a high school diploma (or be on your way towards getting one) or GED. Some branches have additional requirements such as 15 semester hours of college along with a GED, so double check the enlistment requirements of the branch you are interested in. To find out more about joining the Armed Forces, contact your high school guidance counselor or local recruiter.

Air Force
1-800-423-USAF, Casper 266-3821, Cheyenne 632-2344
You can call collect to both these numbers from around Wyoming.

Army and Army Reserve
1-800-USA-ARMY, Casper 577-5231, Cheyenne 637-8210
You can also call collect.

1-800-MARINES, Casper 234-3116, Cheyenne 772-2301

1-800-USA-NAVY, Casper 261-5236, Cheyenne 772-2311

Coast Guard

Air National Guard
1-800-TO GO ANG

Army National Guard
1-800-GO GUARD

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