Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Establishments reporting 10
Estimated employment 50
Mean wage14.01
Entry wage11.24
Experienced wage15.39
25th percentile wage11.80
50th percentile wage13.08
75th percentile wage15.71
Box and Whisker for First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Housekeeping and Janitorial Workers (37-1011) in Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Top Employing Industries
Education and Health Services 30 60.0%
Leisure and Hospitality 10 20.0%
Best Paying Industries
 EmploymentMean Wage
Public Adminsitration $16.58
Education and Health Services 30$14.53
Leisure and Hospitality 10$10.66
First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Housekeeping and Janitorial Workers (37-1011)
Supervise work activities of cleaning personnel in hotels, hospitals, offices, and other establishments.
Top Areas For This Occupation
Highest Employment
 Mean WageEmploy- ment
Natrona County, Wyoming$12.62 90
Laramie County, Wyoming$13.78 70
Teton County, Wyoming$14.06 70
Best Pay
 Mean WageEmploy- ment
Sheridan County, Wyoming$14.65 40
Teton County, Wyoming$14.06 70
Sweetwater County, Wyoming$14.01 50
Wages in other areas