Table 11:  Wyoming Private Employing Units, Employment, and Wages by NAICS Industry Group - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, & Hunting, Second Quarter 2008
NAICS* Industry Group Units Apr 08 May 08 Jun 08 08Q2 Average Monthly Employ-ment 08Q2 Total Wages 08Q2 Average Weekly Wage
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, & Hunting 11 414 2,275 2,397 2,541 2,404 $14,845,095 $475
Crop Production 111 79 421 477 497 465 $2,428,813 $402
-Oilseed & grain farming 1111 12 43 47 62 51 326,860 496
-Vegetable & melon farming 1112-ND
-Fruit & tree nut farming 1113-ND
-Greenhouse & nursery production 1114 17 150 181 185 172 640,091 286
-Other crop farming 1119 49 220 241 250 237 1,454,043 472
Animal Production 112 256 1,636 1,725 1,847 1,736 $11,130,582 $493
-Cattle ranching & farming 1121 207 1,334 1,421 1,526 1,427 9,101,483 491
-Hog & pig farming 1122-ND
-Sheep & goat farming 1124 16 69 74 80 74 418,194 433
-Animal aquaculture 1125-ND
-Other animal production 1129 29 108 117 132 119 758,230 490
-Logging 1133 27 49 42 44 45 227,202 388
-Hunting & trapping 1142-ND
Agriculture & Forestry Support Activities 115 50 152 136 137 142 $927,233 $503
-Support activities for crop production 1151 25 112 93 91 99 657,960 513
-Support activities for animal production 1152-ND
-Support activities for forestry 1153-ND
*  North American Industry Classification System.
ND - Not Disclosable.
Wyoming Department of Employment
Research & Planning
Source:  QCEW Report (Second Run:  January 2009)
Prepared 02/04/2009  Nancy Brennan
Preliminary:  Subject to Revision
Table of Contents Labor Market Information