© Copyright 2006 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning
Vol. 43 No. 8
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly and annual employment, unemployment, and labor force data for states, counties, and metropolitan areas by place of residence. First quarter LAUS averages were calculated for Wyoming and its counties and regions for 2006 and 2005. Comparing LAUS quarterly averages aids us in viewing Wyoming’s economic trends at the state, county, and regional levels.
During first quarter 2006, employment increased by 2.8% (7,591) from first quarter 2005 to a total of 274,844 employed (see Table). The number of unemployed in first quarter 2006 fell 1.5% (179). Over the same period, total labor force (the number of employed and unemployed) grew by 7,412 people (2.7%) to a total of 286,218 and the unemployment rate fell from 4.1% to 4.0%.
All of Wyoming’s five regions demonstrated positive employment growth rates. Northeast Wyoming demonstrated the strongest over-the-year increase with a 4.6% employment growth rate (2,133 people). Included in the Northeast region are Campbell County (6.6%); Crook (4.5%); Johnson (5.1%); Sheridan (2.0%); and Weston (1.4%). The Northeast region had an unemployment rate of 3.3%, which is a 0.4% decline from first quarter last year.
All but 7 of Wyoming’s 23 counties saw an over-the-year drop in unemployment. Noticeably, the two counties with the largest decrease in total unemployment are Crook and Johnson, with decreases of 16.5% and 18.8%, respectively. The two largest increases in unemployment came from Albany and Hot Springs counties. Albany County had an unemployment increase of 5.8% to a total unemployment rate of 3.3%. The total unemployment in Hot Springs County grew 13.5% from first quarter last year.
Wyoming had a positive labor force increase in all but two counties. The largest increase in total labor force came from Sublette County, with a total increase of 844 people (18.4%). Platte and Hot Springs counties had minimal decreases in labor force with reductions of 0.9% and 0.6%, respectively.
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Last modified on
11/27/2006 18:15:50 by Phil Ellsworth.