© Copyright 2001 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning

Demographic Analysis of Employee Turnover in the Transportation Industry, Fourth Quarter, 1999

by: Sylvia Jones, Economist

"...the average wages for those who entered and those who exited Transportation are very similar and only account for about 20 percent of the wages earned by those who remained continuously employed."

Research & Planning continues its efforts to develop industry profiles by using administrative databases. Tables 1 through 4 characterize the demographics of the Transportation industry in the last quarter of 1999.1 A total of 7,651 people worked in transportation at some time during that quarter. Table 1 shows individuals who entered employment in Transportation in that quarter, a subset representing 13.7 percent of the total employment in Transportation. Table 2 shows individuals who were employed in Transportation continuously over at least two quarters. This group represents 61.4 percent of the total. Table 3 shows individuals who exited Transportation, representing 14.9 percent of the total. Finally, Table 4 consists of the individuals who both entered and exited the Transportation industry in the same quarter, accounting for 10.1 percent of the total employment.

For a detailed explanation of how these data were developed, see “Enhancing the Quality of Wage Records through Imputation: Parts One and Two,” in the April and June 2001 issues of Wyoming Labor Force Trends.2

The most interesting aspect of these Tables is that the average wages for those who entered and those who exited Transportation are very similar and only account for about 40 percent of the wages earned by those who remained continuously employed. This is true regardless of the fact that the age and gender distributions are similar for all groups. The average wage for those who both entered and exited employment in the fourth quarter of 1999 is considerably lower than all of the other groups, accounting for only 23.0 percent of the average wages of those continuously employed.

1Transportation is defined by the following 2 digit SIC groups: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47.
2Tony Glover, "Enhancing the Quality of Wage Records for Analysis through Imputation: Part One," Wyoming Labor Force Trends, April 2001, and "Part Two," Wyoming Labor Force Trends, June 2001.

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