Table 17:  Wyoming Private Employing Units, Employment, and Wages by NAICS Industry Group - Wholesale Trade - Fourth Quarter 2006
NAICS* Industry Group Units Oct 06 Nov 06 Dec 06 06Q4 Average Monthly Employ-ment 06Q4 Total Wages 06Q4 Average Weekly Wage
Wholesale Trade 42 1,232 8,300 8,375 8,432 8,369 $114,321,589 $1,051
Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods 423 636 5,141 5,159 5,175 5,158 $72,829,918 $1,086
-Motor vehicle & parts merchant wholesalers 4231 50 438 441 441 440 4,986,530 872
-Furniture & furnishing merchant wholesalers 4232 7 8 8 9 8 120,688 1,114
-Lumber & construction supply merchant wholesalers 4233 44 186 190 185 187 1,952,656 803
-Commercial equipment merchant wholesalers 4234 65 185 184 176 182 2,168,526 918
-Metal & mineral merchant wholesalers 4235 13 86 84 90 87 1,587,805 1,409
-Electric goods merchant wholesalers 4236 48 205 202 195 201 3,016,589 1,156
-Hardware & plumbing merchant wholesalers 4237 35 192 190 192 191 1,904,168 766
-Machinery & supply merchant wholesalers 4238 310 3,572 3,593 3,614 3,593 54,288,092 1,162
-Miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers 4239 64 269 267 273 270 2,804,864 800
Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods 424 393 2,732 2,765 2,809 2,769 $34,826,944 $968
-Paper & paper product merchant wholesalers 4241 14 70 76 76 74 386,458 402
-Druggists' goods merchant wholesalers 4242 29 100 101 98 100 1,790,567 1,382
-Apparel & piece goods merchant wholesalers 4243 5 29 31 31 30 471,534 1,196
-Grocery & related product wholesalers 4244 116 831 845 874 850 12,661,534 1,146
-Farm product raw material merchant wholesalers 4245 16 161 159 166 162 778,797 370
-Chemical merchant wholesalers 4246 62 442 450 453 448 6,987,429 1,199
-Petroleum merchant wholesalers 4247 57 516 533 541 530 6,094,088 884
-Alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers 4248 21 240 241 246 242 2,994,041 950
-Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchant wholesalers 4249 73 343 329 324 332 2,662,496 617
-Electronic markets & agents & brokers 4251 203 427 451 448 442 6,664,727 1,160
*  North American Industry Classification System.
Wyoming Department of Employment
Research & Planning
Source:  QCEW Report (Second Run:  July 2007)
Prepared 08/13/2007  Nancy Brennan
Preliminary:  Subject to Revision
Table of Contents Labor Market Information