© Copyright 2007 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning
Vol. 44 No. 4
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) today announced a competition for $47 million in funding for YouthBuild grants to provide education, training, and leadership development to at-risk youth while preparing them for skilled positions in construction and other industries.
“YouthBuild builds the skills and education of at-risk young people while empowering them to become valuable assets in their communities,” said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training Emily Stover DeRocco. “Through unique, hands-on learning, YouthBuild participants are prepared to meet the growing employment demands of the construction and other high growth industries.”
This Solicitation for Grant Applications appears in the April 26, 2007, Federal Register and can be found online at www.doleta.gov/sga/sga.cfm or at www.grants.gov. The competition is open to organizations including workforce investment boards, faith-based and community groups, state and local housing development agencies, and Indian tribes. ETA will serve young people in approximately 100 communities during the first year of the project. YouthBuild participants will earn while they learn through building affordable housing in distressed communities nationwide.
YouthBuild is an alternative education program that provides at-risk youth with training in construction and pathways to post-secondary education and careers in high growth, high demand occupations. Those served include young people who have been in the juvenile justice system, youth aging out of foster care, high school dropouts, and other at-risk populations. For more information on YouthBuild grants and other youth employment programs, please visit www.doleta.gov/youth_services.
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by Phil Ellsworth.