© Copyright 1999 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning

Wage Variations for Registered Nurses by Region in Wyoming
by: Valerie A. Davis, Senior Statistician

The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) section of Research & Planning is publishing the 1997 Wyoming Wage Survey(1). The Map shows information that can be obtained from this publication. The six regions in Wyoming are:

The Map shows the wages per hour in the various regions for registered nurses. These are the mean wages(2) which can be found in the publication along with entry and experienced level wages. There are variations in the wages per hour paid to registered nurses in the different regions. OES had 82 percent of the employers surveyed in 1997 participate. The statewide mean wage for registered nurses is $15.92 per hour.

1 To receive a copy of the Wyoming Wage Survey, please call 473-3805 (1-800-987-8172 statewide).

2 The mean wage is a measure of central tendency. It is the sum of the values of all observations divided by the number of observations and is also called the arithmetic average. If some values are far removed from others (outlying), they can substantially influence the mean.

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Valerie A. Davis.