© Copyright 2004 by the Wyoming Department of Employment, Research & Planning
Vol. 41 No. 3

Table: Employment and Educational Enrollment Outcomes for Casper College Adult Basic Education/General Educational Development (ABE/GED) Participants by TANF Eligibility, Program Year 2001-2002
  Minimal Program Contacta Within Education Level Completed or Increased One Educ. Level Completed GED  
    <12 hrs of participation >=12 hrs of participation Total
TANF Eligible Participants 38 77 19 5 47 186
Number with a Positive Outcomeb 22 33 10 4 34 103
Percentb 57.9% 42.9% 52.6% 80.0% 72.3% 55.4%
Number with a Negative Outcomec 16 44 9 1 13 83
Percentc 42.1% 57.1% 47.4% 20.0% 27.7% 44.6%
TANF Ineligible Participants 50 177 34 16 118 395
Number with a Positive Outcomeb 23 92 17 11 71 214
Percentb 46.0% 52.0% 50.0% 68.8% 60.2% 54.2%
Number with a Negative Outcomec 27 85 17 5 47 181
Percentc 54.0% 48.0% 50.0% 31.2% 39.8% 45.8%
All Participants (TANF Eligible & TANF Ineligible) 88 254 53 21 165 581
Number with a Positive Outcomeb 45 125 27 15 105 317
Percentb 51.1% 49.2% 50.9% 71.4% 63.6% 54.6%
Number with a Negative Outcomec 43 129 26 6 60 264
Percentc 48.9% 50.8% 49.1% 28.6% 36.4% 45.4%
aIncludes participants who exited the program prior to the assessment of education level (i.e., requires at least four hours of program participation) or who exited the program prior to completion of the assessed education level.
bIncludes participants who either: (1) maintained employment stability (i.e., worked the same number of quarters before and after program participation), (2) worked more quarters in the year after program exit, (3) were enrolled in
postsecondary education at Casper College during the two semesters after program exit, or, (4) maintained employment stability or worked more quarters in the year after program exit and were enrolled in postsecondary
education at Casper College.
cIncludes participants who did not obtain employment in the year after program exit or worked fewer quarters in the year after program exit and were not enrolled in postsecondary education at Casper College during the two semesters after program exit.

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Last modified on 04/06/2004 15:03:03 by Susan J. Murray.