Occupation |
Occ. code |
Est. empl. |
Mean wage |
10th pct |
25th pct |
Median wage |
75th pct |
90th pct |
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations | 19-0000 | 10 | 83,969 40.37 | 65,859 31.66 | 71,199 34.23 | 78,228 37.61 | 88,041 42.33 | 124,428 59.82 |
Occupational Health and Safety Specialists and Technicians | 19-5000 | 10 | 83,969 40.37 | 65,859 31.66 | 71,199 34.23 | 78,228 37.61 | 88,041 42.33 | 124,428 59.82 |