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Accommodation and Food Services (72 )

Wyoming Statewide


Office and Administrative Support Occupations

Occupation Occ. code Estabs. reporting occupation Est. empl. Mean wage Mean of Lower 1/3 Mean of Upper 2/3 10th pct 25th pct Median wage 75th pct 90th pct
OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT OCCUPATIONS 43-0000 107 1,960 22,216 17,158 24,744 16,230 17,907 20,368 25,291 31,485
      10.68 8.25 11.90 7.81 8.61 9.80 12.16 15.14
First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Office and Administrative Support Workers 43-1011 26 100 30,985 21,899 35,529 19,805 24,274 30,280 36,313 43,494
      14.89 10.53 17.08 9.52 11.67 14.56 17.46 20.91
Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service 43-2011 4 10 25,565 19,444 28,627 18,377 20,704 26,448 30,420 32,666
      12.29 9.35 13.76 8.84 9.96 12.71 14.63 15.71
Billing and Posting Clerks and Machine Operators 43-3021 7 10 27,901 22,428 30,638 18,960 26,330 29,194 31,810 33,702
      13.41 10.78 14.73 9.11 12.66 14.04 15.29 16.20
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 43-3031 59 230 28,440 19,581 32,870 18,076 21,364 26,450 34,402 43,162
      13.67 9.41 15.80 8.70 10.28 12.72 16.54 20.75
Customer Service Representatives 43-4051 4 10 29,000 26,456 30,271 25,640 27,247 29,370 31,493 33,729
      13.94 12.72 14.56 12.32 13.10 14.12 15.14 16.22
Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks 43-4081 70 1,390 19,835 16,801 21,351 15,673 17,389 19,368 22,103 25,591
      9.53 8.07 10.26 7.53 8.36 9.31 10.62 12.30
Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping 43-4161 10 10 31,126 24,011 34,684 22,084 26,323 30,979 35,643 41,563
      14.96 11.54 16.68 10.62 12.65 14.89 17.14 19.98
Receptionists and Information Clerks 43-4171 7 25,336 18,386 28,811 17,184 20,689 26,904 30,055 31,978
      12.18 8.84 13.85 8.27 9.95 12.94 14.45 15.37
Reservation and Transportation Ticket Agents and Travel Clerks 43-4181 8 30 28,479 21,668 31,883 20,052 23,682 27,833 31,907 39,284
      13.69 10.42 15.33 9.64 11.39 13.38 15.34 18.89
Stock Clerks and Order Fillers 43-5081 3 17,772 14,515 19,402 13,806 15,596 17,998 19,984 21,108
      8.54 6.98 9.33 6.64 7.50 8.65 9.61 10.15
Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 43-6011 12 20 32,692 27,897 35,088 26,148 28,965 33,016 37,143 39,961
      15.72 13.41 16.87 12.57 13.92 15.87 17.86 19.21
Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 43-6014 12 40 25,163 20,000 27,744 18,673 20,923 23,918 28,591 35,217
      12.10 9.61 13.34 8.98 10.06 11.50 13.74 16.93
Office Clerks, General 43-9061 10 30 24,345 16,330 28,353 14,831 18,324 23,688 28,895 35,473
      11.70 7.85 13.63 7.13 8.81 11.39 13.89 17.05
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