Table of contents Accommodation and Food Services (72    ) in Wyoming Statewide (prior page) Accommodation and Food Services (72    ) in Wyoming Statewide (next page)

Accommodation and Food Services (72 )

Wyoming Statewide


Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations

Occupation Occ. code Estabs. reporting occupation Est. empl. Mean wage Mean of Lower 1/3 Mean of Upper 2/3 10th pct 25th pct Median wage 75th pct 90th pct
ARTS, DESIGN, ENTERTAINMENT, SPORTS, AND MEDIA OCCUPATIONS 27-0000 9 39,523 26,264 46,151 24,112 28,809 43,397 48,407 51,413
      19.00 12.63 22.19 11.59 13.85 20.86 23.27 24.72
Public Relations Specialists 27-3031 5 20 33,664 23,907 38,543 22,621 25,346 31,323 38,284 55,377
      16.18 11.50 18.53 10.87 12.19 15.06 18.41 26.62
Table of contents Accommodation and Food Services (72    ) in Wyoming Statewide (prior page) Accommodation and Food Services (72    ) in Wyoming Statewide (next page)