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Public Adminsitration (1028 )

Wyoming Statewide


Office and Administrative Support Occupations

Occupation Occ. code Estabs. reporting occupation Est. empl. Mean wage Mean of the lower one-third Mean of the upper two-thirds 10th pct 25th pct Median wage 75th pct
Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 43-6011 39 460 32,301 26,345 35,279 24,627 27,496 31,447 36,811
      15.53 12.66 16.96 11.84 13.22 15.11 17.70
Legal Secretaries 43-6012 13 50 32,683 27,603 35,223 26,144 28,494 32,218 36,279
      15.71 13.27 16.93 12.57 13.70 15.49 17.45
Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 43-6014 53 560 27,621 21,174 30,845 20,454 22,517 26,064 32,311
      13.28 10.18 14.83 9.83 10.83 12.53 15.53
Computer Operators 43-9011 6 20 32,200 25,475 35,563 23,040 27,035 31,368 38,181
      15.48 12.25 17.10 11.08 13.00 15.08 18.36
Word Processors and Typists 43-9022 18 60 28,482 23,003 31,222 21,532 24,403 28,331 32,090
      13.70 11.06 15.01 10.35 11.73 13.62 15.43
Mail Clerks and Mail Machine Operators, Except Postal Service 43-9051 7 10 31,305 27,157 33,379 25,694 27,750 31,177 35,670
      15.05 13.06 16.05 12.36 13.34 14.99 17.15
Office Clerks, General 43-9061 36 470 23,516 17,566 26,491 16,797 18,531 21,937 27,705
      11.30 8.44 12.73 8.08 8.91 10.54 13.32
Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other 43-9199 12 60 35,185 22,187 41,684 19,286 26,121 34,453 44,423
      16.92 10.66 20.04 9.28 12.56 16.56 21.36
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