Table of contents Oil and Gas Extraction (2111  ) in Natrona County, Wyoming (prior page) Oil and Gas Extraction (2111  ) in Natrona County, Wyoming (next page)

Oil and Gas Extraction (2111 )

Natrona County, Wyoming


Architecture and Engineering Occupations

Occupation Occ. code Estabs. reporting occupation Est. empl. Mean wage Entry wage Exp. wage 25th pct Median wage 75th pct
ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING OCCUPATIONS 17-0000 4 59,159 34,619 71,429 39,187 53,574 74,167
      28.44 16.64 34.34 18.84 25.76 35.66
Petroleum Engineers 17-2171 3 51,686 35,501 59,779 37,348 42,831 65,890
      24.85 17.07 28.74 17.96 20.59 31.68
Table of contents Oil and Gas Extraction (2111  ) in Natrona County, Wyoming (prior page) Oil and Gas Extraction (2111  ) in Natrona County, Wyoming (next page)