Table of contents Automotive Repair and Maintenance (8111  ) in Wyoming Statewide (prior page) Automotive Repair and Maintenance (8111  ) in Wyoming Statewide (next page)

Automotive Repair and Maintenance (8111 )

Wyoming Statewide


Office and Administrative Support Occupations

Occupation Occ. code Estabs. reporting occupation Est. empl. Mean wage Entry wage Exp. wage 25th pct Median wage 75th pct
OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT OCCUPATIONS 43-0000 36 260 22,240 14,664 26,028 16,517 21,443 27,446
      10.69 7.05 12.51 7.94 10.31 13.20
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 43-3031 21 120 23,923 16,985 27,392 18,861 22,991 29,119
      11.50 8.17 13.17 9.07 11.05 14.00
Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 43-6014 8 70 17,868 12,757 20,424 13,741 19,431 21,396
      8.59 6.13 9.82 6.61 9.34 10.29
Table of contents Automotive Repair and Maintenance (8111  ) in Wyoming Statewide (prior page) Automotive Repair and Maintenance (8111  ) in Wyoming Statewide (next page)