Table 16: Wyoming Private Employing Units, Employment, and Wages by NAICS Industry Group - Manufacturing - Third Quarter 2012
NAICS* Industry Group Units Jul 12 Aug 12 Sep 12 12Q3 Average Monthly Employ-ment 12Q3 Total Wages 12Q3 Average Weekly Wage
Manufacturing 31 - 33 612 9,400 9,409 9,512 9,440 $127,360,173 $1,038
Food Manufacturing 311    75     596     619     835       683 $4,380,517 $493
-Animal food manufacturing 3111-ND
-Grain & oilseed milling 3112-ND
-Sugar & confectionery product manufacturing 3113      7     293     312     479       361        2,847,355      606
-Dairy product manufacturing 3115-ND
-Animal slaughtering & processing 3116    37     118     136     188       147           688,131      359
-Bakeries & tortilla manufacturing 3118    19       93       93       88         91           310,154      261
-Other food manufacturing 3119      6       42       43       54         46           322,873      536
Beverage & Tobacco Product Manufacturing 312    22     336     324     308       323 $3,252,376 $775
-Beverage manufacturing 3121-ND
-Tobacco manufacturing 3122-ND
Textile Mills 313-ND              
-Fiber, yarn, & thread mills 3131-ND
-Fabric mills 3132-ND
-Textile & fabric finishing mills 3133-ND
Textile Product Mills 314    26     120     117     107       115 $670,915 $450
-Textile furnishing mills 3141-ND
-Other textile product mills 3149-ND
Apparel Manufacturing 315-ND              
-Cut & sew apparel manufacturing 3152-ND
-Accessories & other apparel manufacturing 3159-ND
Leather & Allied Product Manufacturing 316      8       18       20       19         19 $88,113 $357
-Leather & hide tanning & finishing 3161-ND
-Other leather product manufacturing 3169-ND
Wood Product Manufacturing 321    31     409     398     394       400 $3,582,663 $688
-Sawmills & wood preservation 3211    10     212     206     202       207        2,241,050      834
-Plywood & engineered wood product manufacturing 3212      7     122     118     118       119           911,939      588
-Other wood product manufacturing 3219    14       75       74       74         74           429,674      445
-Converted paper product manufacturing 3222-ND
-Printing & related support activities 3231    48     322     329     334       328        2,317,806      543
-Petroleum & coal products manufacturing 3241    18   1,131   1,152   1,133    1,139      23,237,275    1,570
Chemical Manufacturing 325    33  1,814  1,820  1,746    1,793 $34,096,292 $1,463
-Basic chemical manufacturing 3251      9   1,060   1,066   1,004    1,043      21,856,253    1,611
-Resin, rubber, & artificial fibers manufacturing 3252-ND
-Agricultural chemical manufacturing 3253-ND
-Pharmaceutical & medicine manufacturing 3254      8     168     171     170       170        2,091,850      948
-Soap, cleaning compound, & toiletry manufacturing 3256-ND
-Other chemical product & preparation manufacturing 3259    11     185     187     182       185        2,508,389    1,045
Plastics & Rubber Products Manufacturing 326      9     256     258     263       259 $2,582,446 $767
-Plastics product manufacturing 3261-ND
-Rubber product manufacturing 3262-ND
Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 327    52     936     930     933       933 $10,792,170 $890
-Clay product & refractory manufacturing 3271-ND
-Cement & concrete product manufacturing 3273    40     733     733     728       731        8,348,059      878
-Lime & gypsum product manufacturing 3274-ND
-Other nonmetallic mineral products manufacturing 3279-ND
Primary Metal Manufacturing 331-ND              
-Iron & steel mills & ferroalloy manufacturing 3311-ND
-Steel product manufacturing from purchased steel 3312-ND
-Foundries 3315-ND
Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 332  110  1,575  1,566  1,556    1,566 $19,594,830 $963
-Forging & stamping 3321-ND
-Cutlery & handtool manufacturing 3322-ND
-Architectural & structural metals manufacturing 3323    35     387     369     362       373        3,693,809      762
-Boiler, tank, & shipping container manufacturing 3324    16     390     395     397       394        5,296,668    1,034
-Machine shops & threaded product manufacturing 3327    35     526     538     532       532        7,908,973    1,144
-Coating, engraving, & heat treating metals manufacturing 3328-ND
-Other fabricated metal product manufacturing 3329    16     106     101     106       104           997,181      735
Machinery Manufacturing 333    45     741     750     762       751 $10,052,455 $1,030
-Agriculture, construction, & mining machinery manufacturing 3331    25     416     425     428       423        6,250,655    1,137
-Commercial & service industry machinery manufacturing 3333-ND
-HVAC & commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing 3334-ND
-Turbine & power transmission equipment manufacturing 3336-ND
-Other general purpose machinery manufacturing 3339-ND
Computer & Electronic Product Manufacturing 334    10     150     157     156       154 $2,084,189 $1,039
-Computer & peripheral equipment manufacturing 3341-ND
-Semiconductor & electronic component manufacturing 3344-ND
-Electronic instrument manufacturing 3345      7     119     125     126       123        1,854,818    1,157
Electrical Equipment & Appliance Manufacturing 335    12     283     276     283       281 $3,569,086 $978
-Electric lighting equipment manufacturing 3351-ND
-Electrical equipment manufacturing 3353-ND
-Other electrical equipment & component manufacturing 3359-ND
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 336    16     307     304     303       305 $3,988,885 $1,007
-Motor vehicle body & trailer manufacturing 3362-ND
-Motor vehicle parts manufacturing 3363      9       69       69       71         70           522,312      577
-Aerospace product & parts manufacturing 3364-ND
-Other transportation equipment manufacturing 3369-ND
Furniture & Related Product Manufacturing 337    41     176     172     175       174 $1,265,894 $559
-Household & institutional furniture manufacturing 3371-ND
-Office furniture & fixtures manufacturing 3372-ND
-Other furniture related product manufacturing 3379-ND
Miscellaneous Manufacturing 339    44     140     128     119       129 $969,967 $578
-Medical equipment & supplies manufacturing 3391    19       42       35       36         38           292,814      598
-Other miscellaneous manufacturing 3399 25 98 93 83 91 677,153 570
* North American Industry Classification System.
ND - Not Disclosable.
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
Research & Planning
Source: QCEW Report (Second Run: April 2013)
Prepared 05/03/13 Nancy Brennan
Preliminary: Subject to Revision.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information