Wyoming Highway Patrol Leads in Investigation of Occupational Fatalities in 2006
A total of 36 work-related fatalities occurred in 2006, a decline of 10 (21.7%) from 2005. Nearly half (47.2%; 17) of deaths in 2006 were investigated by the Wyoming Highway Patrol (see Table), making accidents on the state’s highways and interstates the leading cause of occupational fatalities in Wyoming. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration within the Wyoming Department of Employment investigated slightly more than one-fourth (27.8%; 10) of occupational fatalities. The remaining nine fatalities were split evenly (three each) into agriculture, county sheriffs’ offices, and other fatalities. These nine accounted for a combined 24.9% of all occupational deaths in 2006. For more information about work-related deaths in Wyoming, go to http://doe.state.wy.us/LMI/CFOI/toc.htm.
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by April Szuch.