Table 29:  Wyoming Private Employing Units, Employment, and Wages by 2002 NAICS Industry Group - Accommodation and Food Services - Second Quarter 2002
Industry Group Units Apr 02 May 02 Jun 02 02Q2 AME* 02Q2 Total Wages 02Q2 AWW**
Accommodation & Food Services 72 1,713 25,374 27,446 31,846 28,222 $76,050,802 $207
Accommodation  721 549 8,495 9,981 13,225 10,567 $34,643,439 $252
-Traveler accommodation 7211 399 8,048 9,093 11,851 9,664 31,686,790 252
-RV (recreational vehicle) parks & recreational camps 7212 135 349 798 1,303 817 2,640,974 249
-Rooming & boarding houses 7213 15 98 90 71 86 315,675 281
Food Services & Drinking Places 722 1,164 16,879 17,465 18,621 17,655 $41,407,363 $180
-Full-service restaurants 7221 496 8,219 8,510 9,209 8,646 21,433,991 191
-Limited-service eating places 7222 407 6,955 7,197 7,546 7,233 15,983,793 170
-Special food services 7223 31 216 227 259 234 656,712 216
-Drinking places, alcoholic beverages 7224 230 1,489 1,531 1,607 1,542 3,332,867 166
*  Average Monthly Employment.
**  Average Weekly Wage.
Wyoming Department of Employment
Research & Planning
Source:  ES-202 Report (Second Run Date:  December 2002)
Prepared 04/15/2003  Nancy Brennan
Preliminary:  Subject to Revision
Table of Contents Labor Market Information