Occupation |
Occ. code |
Est. empl. |
Mean wage |
10th pct |
25th pct |
Median wage |
75th pct |
90th pct |
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations | 45-0000 | 240 | 32,195 15.47 | 28,053 13.49 | 28,069 13.50 | 31,052 14.93 | 33,264 15.99 | 39,727 19.10 |
Agricultural Workers | 45-2000 | 180 | 32,125 15.44 | 28,058 13.49 | 28,070 13.50 | 31,056 14.93 | 33,273 16.00 | 37,831 18.19 |
Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch, and Aquacultural Animals | 45-2093 | 80 | 31,628 15.21 | 28,055 13.49 | 28,060 13.49 | 28,070 13.50 | 31,063 14.94 | 46,258 22.24 |
Forest, Conservation, and Logging Workers | 45-4000 | |
30,716 14.76 | 26,025 12.51 | 27,285 13.12 | 29,384 14.12 | 31,483 15.13 | 39,291 18.89 |
Forest and Conservation Workers | 45-4011 | |
30,716 14.76 | 26,025 12.51 | 27,285 13.12 | 29,384 14.12 | 31,483 15.13 | 39,291 18.89 |