Occupation |
Occ. code |
Estabs. reporting occupation |
Est. empl. |
Mean wage |
Mean of Lower 1/3 |
Mean of Upper 2/3 |
10th pct |
25th pct |
Median wage |
75th pct |
90th pct |
11-0000 |
85 |
530 |
93,298 |
49,855 |
115,019 |
44,135 |
58,738 |
81,113 |
115,406 |
>$145,600 |
44.86 |
23.97 |
55.30 |
21.22 |
28.24 |
39.00 |
55.48 |
>$70 |
Chief Executives |
11-1011 |
8 |
20 |
137,918 |
93,204 |
>$145,600 |
81,897 |
114,309 |
128,557 |
>$145,600 |
66.30 |
44.81 |
>$70 |
39.37 |
54.96 |
61.81 |
>$70 |
General and Operations Managers |
11-1021 |
58 |
210 |
99,762 |
48,653 |
125,316 |
41,882 |
58,875 |
89,839 |
125,595 |
47.97 |
23.40 |
60.25 |
20.14 |
28.30 |
43.19 |
60.38 |
Financial Managers |
11-3031 |
47 |
240 |
91,819 |
55,580 |
109,939 |
50,432 |
62,800 |
79,443 |
108,671 |
>$145,600 |
44.14 |
26.72 |
52.85 |
24.25 |
30.20 |
38.19 |
52.25 |
>$70 |
Managers, All Other |
11-9199 |
6 |
20 |
74,903 |
41,398 |
91,656 |
37,465 |
46,487 |
77,609 |
94,971 |
105,170 |
36.01 |
19.90 |
44.07 |
18.01 |
22.35 |
37.31 |
45.66 |
50.57 |