Table 25: Wyoming Private Employing Units, Employment, and Wages by NAICS Industry Group - Administrative & Waste Services - Second Quarter 2012
NAICS* Industry Group Units Apr 12 May 12 Jun 12 12Q2 Average Monthly Employ-ment 12Q2 Total Wages 12Q2 Average Weekly Wage
Administrative & Waste Services 56 1,472 7,628 8,049 8,589 8,089 $61,075,926 $581
Administrative & Support Services 561  1,337  6,704  7,138  7,650    7,164 $51,174,335 $549
-Office administrative services 5611     108     375      374     400       383      7,027,403    1,411
-Facilities support services 5612       22     103      108     106       106         936,796      682
-Employment services 5613     279   1,822   1,785   1,861    1,823    14,464,278      610
-Business support services 5614     116     487      484     493       488      3,619,317      571
-Travel arrangement & reservation services 5615       44     139      146     204       163      1,444,768      682
-Investigation & security services 5616       88     662      633     609       635      4,954,670      601
-Services to buildings & dwellings 5617     576   2,639   3,025   3,236    2,967    14,737,474      382
-Other support services 5619     104     477      583     741       600      3,989,629      511
Waste Management & Remediation Services 562     135     924     911     939       925 $9,901,591 $824
-Waste collection 5621       40     271      276     274       274      2,315,699      651
-Waste treatment & disposal 5622       18     176      175     185       179      2,458,035    1,058
-Remediation & other waste services 5629       77     477      460     480       472      5,127,857      835
* North American Industry Classification System.
ND - Not Disclosable.
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
Research & Planning
Source: QCEW Report (Second Run: January 2013)
Prepared 02/05/2013  Nancy Brennan
Preliminary: Subject to Revision.
Table of Contents Labor Market Information